Mississippi Locks
October 13th, 2009 by: cheyenne
From where we got on the boat in the Tennessee River, we’ve come down a number of locks. It’s a much lower key affair than the Panama Canal locks (here with Adagio, here with Woodwind, Time Machine part I, and Time Machine part II). We simply call the lockmaster on the radio as we’re approaching, he gives us the green light, we drive on in and tie up. The most complicated it gets is when he requests that all hands on deck wear life jackets.
The above is the floating bollard we wrap our line around.

The lock doors are shut behind us and we are slowly going down.

All hands on deck in their life jackets (Nigel too!). I’m trying to persuade Ronin to let go of her nap so we can get a better picture.

Our “better” picture, sans nap.

HOLY COW. Nap replaced and baby cool.
October 13th, 2009 at 2:54 pm
Sorry to laugh at Ronin’s obvious TORTURE, but those are some priceless pictures! Amazing what a little green piece of plastic can do for a kid :) Have you gone through Alabama yet? Any luck with seeing Pat? Just curious. Looks like a fun trip!
October 13th, 2009 at 5:56 pm
That is funny! She is going love those pics one day. Celine demands more and more her “tete” and it’s so annoying. I would be putting that thing in all the time in such precarious circumstances. Thanks for blogging and sharing. What’s your ETA?
October 14th, 2009 at 3:44 am
Ah, I wish I hadn’t looked at your Canal posts, which i hadn’t seen before. The heat, the sun, the nerves, the old friends in every shot. You went through the day we arrived in Panama city and we transited 3 weeks later, by which time you were loooong gone. Wasn’t it fun though? Does it feel god to be back on the water? Is Ronin taking to it like a duck to?
October 18th, 2009 at 3:31 pm
RADICAL! So glad to see you guys back online! I missed my Timemachine fix so much, I think I dreamed about it last night! Good luck with Ro on the boat, and try the FHAT bath… no, wait. You have pressurized, running water. You can actually give your baby a… real bath. (sigh.)