Hiccups in the morning

April 8th, 2008 by: joshua

[flash /images/0804/ronin_hiccups.flv w=400 h=300 f={autostart=false}]

3 Comments on “Hiccups in the morning”

  1. Skip says:

    Well, I watched it twice. It was pretty…good, but lacked a little in the plot.

  2. Peg Bowden says:

    I would call this minimalist cinema. The action is in the….well, the breathing and hiccuping, I’d say. Lots of fast passionate breathing and hand gnawing. Something that the grandmothers of the world totally relate to. She looks like she is earnestly trying to tell you something, and you just don’t get it! Gramma Peg

  3. jeff says:

    Ronin has changed just in the week and half
    she seeems more able to find her hands and her sounds are longer
    or different..
    can’t wait to see her next weekend

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Cheyenne Weil, Joshua Coxwell