Week 2
January 22nd, 2008 by: joshua
It’s been a over a week now and we’ve just started to venture outside. The last two days have given us some sun coupled with clear cold skies and a mean wind. Ronin snuggles into the moby without fussing too much. She’ll quickly become familiar with our little neighborhood. In the past 6 months we’ve hardly left it. A very homey area that stretches form SE 20th to 39th and from Burnside to Hawthorne. Only about a mile across it contains everything we need. The only regular exceptions include weekly forays to the Hollywood Trader Joe’s and Wednesday night juggling at Reed College.
Cheyenne rarely gets more than an hour or two before Ro starts clamoring for a boob. Nestled between our pillows at night she can sometimes go a little over 3 hours before being roused by hunger pains. Woken by hunger, then satiated by feeding which is almost always followed by a huge poop. We are then left with a dilemma; change the couche and risk waking her up or sleep with a poopy kid. Fears of diaper rash usually lead to a prompt changing but we delay it as long as possible to try and catch multiple movements.
Ro spends most of her time napping or staring at the ceiling fan. When she does get cranky there is little to do but offer the breast. Occasionally she can be consoled with my little finger. Great Grandpa Tucker sent us a plush sheep with a noisemaker sewn into the guts. Crashing waves will sometimes do the trick. I turn it up really load to get her attention and then slowly back off the volume as she settles.
Site Talk: Spam Karma went totally berserk swallowing every comment as spam and crashing large portions of the site. Thanks Angelea for pointing it out! I don’t have the patience to fix it and Dave has announced that he will stop maintaining SK2 soon anyway. So… I decided to try Akismet. I’m not totally happy with it but it’s the easiest way to get things back online.
I rescued as many comments as I could, but some may have been lost forever. Thanks everyone, we appreciate all the love you’ve been sending our way.
Also, I forgot that new grandparents would want prints of everything, so I’ll try to remember to link in high res images (click the pictures).
January 23rd, 2008 at 10:38 am
I can see some little eyes open! Beautiful!
She’ll stop pooping after every night feeding soon…. And then you’ll get marginally more sleep.
(It is so hard, I remember chanting “this is not reasonable, this is not reasonable, this is not reasonable…..” for at least two weeks after Griffin was born…)