January 19th, 2008 by: joshua
We’ve hardly left the house after coming home from the hospital. Cheyenne’s milk came in on day 4 and Ronin can’t get enough. She also can’t seem to poop enough. Crap… this kid can go through diapers. In fact, just a minute ago, she soiled 3 before we could even get it changed. We were allowing her to air dry before closing up the next couche when she made a classic fountain. he he. We waited a minute to make sure she was done before cleaning her up again. I put a clean one under her and turned around to wash my hands when… poooooooooop. Silly girl. We gave her a chance to finish the job before starting again, but she made another fountain during the dry cycle.
January 19th, 2008 at 5:48 pm
Save one of those tiny little (new) diapers and look at it a year from now.
You will not believe how small it is.
January 19th, 2008 at 9:35 pm
Oh the joy of the diapers! Kert and Ilana had their baby Friday morning! I’m so happy for you guys!
January 20th, 2008 at 6:36 am
Here we go. Every new parent I’ve ever known starts discussing baby poop within a week of the child’s birth. It starts out a comment on frequency, then progresses to smell and eventually evolves into texture, color, shape and the meaning of it all. Guess you guys are truly parents now :-)
Cute foot.
January 20th, 2008 at 9:20 am
Your next big milestone in life is when she becomes toilet trained.
January 20th, 2008 at 1:09 pm
Hi, Mom and Dad,
I just heard your good news from the east coast new parents. Congratulations and to Ronin, welcome to the world.
Sandy and Joseph
January 21st, 2008 at 1:48 pm
hey guys! congrats!!!!!!!!!!! what a stellar (is that an appropriate word?) baby!!! the poop story is just too funny and is hopefully will become the exception and not the standard. lots of love!