Archive for 2007

Parting Shot (Red Booty)

Saturday, December 22nd, 2007

red booty the view from below. Isla Parida, Panama

In route to Isla Parida, Western Pacific Panama, Christmas 2006

A parting shot for the cruising blog and a christmas present to all of you who arrive by searching for “booty.” Sailing into a warm tropic rain, the easiest way to preserve your clean dry cloths is to simply remove them. Cheyenne said I could only post this photo if I didn’t say whose butt it was…

As I mentioned before we created a new website for the sailing stories that will preserve the original look and feel of this site and include only the blog of cruising the TimeMachine. People who are only interested in our sailing trip can read about it without having to wade through the interstitial stuff waiting for us to get a new boat. As usual we have embarked on a new adventure before we really had a chance to digest the last one.

I’ve manipulated the sitemaps and meta data so that hopefully the search engines will send people to first when they are looking for sailing stories. If you’ve read this far on the searunner sailing site and want to know what we’re doing now please join us on the complete unedited TimeMachine blog.

We’re taking bets on how many people will be utterly confused and think we’re ending the blog. WE’RE NOT. Read on for more: Pregnancy! Child Birth! Pictures of cows! Babies! Deadly mushrooms! then hopefully Sailing with Children!


Thursday, December 20th, 2007

caterpillar with long fuzzy hairs. Colombia Gorge, Oregon

Colombia Gorge, Oregon

35½ Weeks

Sunday, December 16th, 2007


Unbelievably, I just keep getting huger. It is all in the belly. And the boobs. (With perhaps an honorable mention going to my ass.)

I had a 35-week check-up appointment and it was delightfully uneventful. That is, aside from the doctor “reassuring” me that now that I’m at 35 weeks, if I were to go into labor they wouldn’t do anything to stop it—I could just have that baby right now and everything would be peachy. Of course I was thinking, “like HELL you wouldn’t stop it; this baby is NOT allowed out until January 1st and that’s final.” (I’m practicing for when the kid is 16 and wants permission to go to a college party or something.)

[Kind of amazing I can still stand upright.]

The Morning Ritual

Around 8ish, I wake up with the most bothersome and jabby hip aches. I lie for a moment, try the usual stretching, slinging my leg over the side of the bed, folding my knee pillow in half for added height, squeezing my eyes shut tighter in hopes of miraculously falling back to sleep because what, it has GOT to be like 5am—look how dark it is outside still. Of course, nothing helps for more than .5 seconds and so I grumble and roll over, the bed creaking and bulging and complaining about the additional 20 pounds it has been forced to deal with these past few weeks, poke at Joshua to get him into a better knee-rest position, and try it on that side for a while. Miraculously, the hip pain goes away. For around 20 seconds. And then it comes back. So, I grudgingly get up out of bed; I have to pee anyway. Joshua, who manages to sleep through all this (I think) mumbles incoherently and rolls over to take up the spot I just vacated and the bed sighs a big relief.

I put on a robe and trudge into the kitchen for first breakfast—usually plain yogurt with muesli and wheat germ (sounds gross doesn’t it? I like the stuff—especially with just a, ahem, tad of maple syrup on it)—and plant myself on the couch with this and a large glass of water and see what is going on in the world. Around this time, the baby wakes up and starts slithering around, pressing her back against one side of my belly and her feet out the side. Poke poke! Good morning Baby!

Her movements have changed considerably in the last few weeks. She is bigger and can’t do flips like she used to. The pokes are less sharp sudden jabs and more like slow stretches that can be felt (and seen) on both sides of my body as she stems across (she’s going to be a great off-width crack climber). Her head is crammed right up into my bladder, a big bouncy pillow that unhappily bears the full weight of the contents of The Belly. Her back lies either on my right or left side and she floats upside-down with her butt hovering up in the air somewhere just south of my ribcage; she shifts from one side or the other depending upon, something. Gravity maybe? It is really easy to feel exactly where she is these days and lately I’ve been able to chase a foot around with my finger when she kicks it against the outside. She gets the hiccups about the same time every day.

The nearest I can come to explaining what a such movement inside your body feels like is this: you know when you tilt the screen of a laptop and press too hard on the back of the LCD panel so that it makes this eerie shadowy distortion on the front of the screen? The shadowy distortion—THAT’S what it feels like.

Mount Hood

Tuesday, December 11th, 2007

Mount Hood Oregon from Mount Tabor

With the gray skies of winter we tend to forget it’s there, until we crest a bridge or turn the right corner on a rare clear day.

Go See Art

Thursday, December 6th, 2007

(neko case) hand by Brad Wright - oil on panel, 14 x 11 inches, 7/2007

(neko case) hand – oil on panel by Brad Wright

Our friend Brad is showing some paintings at Artist-Xchange in December. We won’t be able to make it but if you’re in San Fracisco you should go to the opening party tomorrow (Dec. 7th) at 3169 16th St (btw Guerrero & Valencia) from 7-10PM. I understand there will be drinks and DJs. I took the above picture from his online gallery but you should see them in person because the translucence and depth doesn’t completely come through in images.

Cheyenne Weil, Joshua Coxwell