Blue Lizard

April 18th, 2007 by: joshua

Blue Lizard. Isla Providencia, Colombia

Isla Providencia, Colombia

These lizards abound on the island. This creature seems to be unknown to science (or at least the internet). I can find zero information even on massive lizard fetish sites. One site even claims that “the worlds only blue lizard is threatened with extinction.” I thought for sure it would be it but no. That blue lizard (an anole) is totally different and from Isla Gorgona (ironically also Colombia). None of my pictures turned out so I stole this one from Velella.

We’re on Isla Mujeres and legal. Much to our chagrin, we have to go to Cancun to pay the API fee which can only be paid there. Welcome to Mexico. Last time I was here we were on Jade (a searunner 40 built by my dad). 20 years ago.

Happy Birthday Tucker!

5 Comments on “Blue Lizard”

  1. Peg Bowden says:

    So tell me about Isla Mujeres. I was there 25 or more years ago, and it was a sleepy little island with lots of iguanas and one or two funky hotels. They had these turtle farms around the island, if I recall. –Peg

  2. joshua says:

    A few iguanas. Many Many hotels. The hoards ferry over from Cancun for the day and rent motorized golf carts, buzz around, and buy their Senor Frogs logo wear, etc..

  3. joshua says:

    I’m being flippant, of course. Isla Mujeres is a far cry from Cancun in terms of crowds. Imagine Playa del Carmen without all the shops. It is definitly a tourist based economy though and it’s hard to get away from people trying to sell you stuff.

  4. Jonathan says:


    I suppose I’m a few years late, but when it comes to identifying lizards I can’t help myself. I found out the whiptail in your picture is a Rainbow Whiptail. These little things seem to vary a lot in color, but from a simple image search there seems to be a variety of this species that is solid blue like this.

  5. cheyenne says:

    Awesome!! Thank you for the ident!

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Cheyenne Weil, Joshua Coxwell