Archive for the 'nature' Category

Milk Flower

Sunday, May 20th, 2007

milky flower. Isla Mujeres, Mexico

Isla Mujeres, Mexico

I call this “milk flower” only because it oozes a white sticky substance all over you if you attempt to break off a bunch of these. It’s better to just look without touching.


Friday, May 18th, 2007

baby donkey. Rockport, Texas

baby donkey. Rockport, Texas

Rockport, Texas

Grass Field

Thursday, May 17th, 2007

Hand Made sign. Isla Providencia, Colombia

Isla Providencia, Colombia

Sloth Crossing

Wednesday, May 16th, 2007

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Parque National Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica, 2006

You may remember way back in 2006 we talked about meeting a sloth on the road. Here is the long awaited video. Thanks to Sage for helping me figure out the flash. Let me know if you can’t get it to play.

Blue Courtyard

Sunday, May 13th, 2007

Blue courtyard. Isla Providencia, Colombia

Because I like to have a photo at the top of the page and the previous story didn’t have any photos to go along, here’s something from the Isla Providencia archives.

I don’t know what this building was originally intended for, but it had weeds growing on top of the walls and kids playing soccer inside.

Cheyenne Weil, Joshua Coxwell