December 3rd, 2009 by: cheyenne
[Mom took this photo of Mt. Hood from Kelley Pt. the Sunday after Thanksgiving.]

[Kelley Pt. in that beautiful glowing light right before the sun set at like noon or some shit.]
My mom finally made it to Portland to soak up some of that rain we get here. Thanksgiving day really dished it out with a steady drizzle from sunup to sundown and then all through the night. Otherwise though it has been clear and even sunny. Kind of amazing since I can’t even remember the last time we had sun. Oh wait I do actually—it was the day I had my face irradiated for skin cancer and I wasn’t allowed outside for 48 hours. It was nice that day.

Ronin is much better for Oma Peggy than she is for us. Typically she shrieks and squirms like mad when I try to put a barrette in her hair. I came trudging out early one morning and Ronin’s hair was pulled back out of her eyes in A BRAID. Braided. With a rubber band. Mom looked innocent and said she sat just fine for her and had so far not even tried to pull it out. I was utterly shocked.

[Punk Rock Girl is a current favorite amongst the stuffed crew. Ronin has been taking her everywhere we go lately and frequently requests to hear her theme song.]
Mom gets up early and so does Ronin so we had a full week of sleeping in; it was awesome. As soon as Ronin popped up out of bed with her little baby agenda (read ‘Sheep and a Jeep’ six or seven times, then maybe a meatball for breakfast) we shooed her out of the room with the promise of grandma attention: Maybe Oma Peggy can nuke you a meatball in the kitchen! She would stomp off in hot pursuit and we wouldn’t hear from her until mid-morning when she pooped her pants. Heaven.

[Pre-turkey caviar and champagne.]
For three days straight we ate nothing but turkey, stuffing, etc. washed down with boutique gin from Ashland. On the fourth day we emerged blinking into the sunlight and drove out to a Sauvie Island for some holiday accouterments.

Ronin had a field day running amongst the trees and we had the satisfaction of picking ours out of thousands. We got a noble fir because I liked the needles and color and the doug firs were all way too shorn (think furry pyramid). We (Joshua) carried our tree up to the front and they put it in a special tree vibrating machine, secured it in a festive net, and we were on our merry way.

[This isn’t our tree; we went to a public ‘tree lighting’ thing and Ronin transformed instantly into a Toddler Obsessed. We’re just lucky we didn’t have to crawl down underneath the tree to retrieve her.]
We chose a smaller tree for our own living room because we have never done this before and own only one ornament (thanks Michelle!) so far. I made some more and plan on making still more. Currently we have it decorated with twinkly lights, Ronin’s finger puppets, and various lightweight toys. Ronin thinks the tree is about the best thing she’s ever seen in her life and spends a great deal of time poking at it, touching the lights (licking them too when we’re not looking), destroying my paper ball, and removing/replacing the nesting bird ornaments I made.
Oma Peggy returned home yesterday and Ronin asks where she is and what she is doing about a hundred million times per day. Hopefully we’ll see you again soon mom!

December 3rd, 2009 at 8:10 am
what a lucky Ronin, what a lucky Oma Peggy
December 3rd, 2009 at 8:52 am
Just sitting here looking at these photos and missing my morning turkey meatball with baby Ronin. Dad sez that Ronin looks a lot like Cheyenne at that age. We have a photo of Cheyenne running at age 2, and well, Ronin is definitely her daughter. They are so alike—the cheeks, the wild hair. But I think the eyes are Joshua’s—she has a fierce stare when she really wants to KNOW. What can I say? Great genes, I guess. Miss you Ronin!! Love, Oma Peggy
December 3rd, 2009 at 9:01 am
I was going through Ronin withdrawl…thanks for the dose. She is totally 2 and reminds me of Celine… a real parakeet. Any exciting event is announced no more than 30 minutes before because I will get an earful for way too long. And Christmas decorating has a whole new meaning in our house too!
Thanks for sharing…so fun.
December 12th, 2009 at 3:44 pm
Really great to see these picts. Thanks