Clackamas River
July 27th, 2008 by: joshua
Clackamas River, Oregon

Fish Creek Trail

On the trail with Cheyenne, Hans and the cougar bait.

Pup Creek Falls (about 200 feet)
Ronin did pretty well on the hike. Although she did throw a fit about 3 miles in that made us seriously consider turning back. Of course, turning back would have been pointless since we were hours from the car. We pushed on for the last half mile or so and the falls made it all worth it. The first hour we didn’t make very good time because we were stuffing ourselves silly on berries. There were blackberries, thimble berries, salmon berries, and black caps. Yum yum. Ronin didn’t get any but Otto must have eaten his body weight. We also packed in banh mi for everyone.
Before heading back to the city I took a nice invigorating dip in the icy cold river. Hans and Cheyenne were too chicken to join me but I wanted to show off my new blue bikini.
July 28th, 2008 at 5:21 am
Hey, I want documentation of the new blue bikini. :)
Your dad and I learned the same lesson about packing you around. We ALWAYS went on. Pretty soon you “got it”. It wasn’t long before you struggled to get out so you could frisk on the trails yourself with the dog. We had lots of great times hiking with you.
Where’s the obligatory picture of Ronin for us grandmas?
Love, mom Cher
July 28th, 2008 at 6:06 am
You forgot the picture of Joshua sporting his Speedo bikini, and Ronin staring blissfully at the waterfalls. (or throwing a hissy fit) Sounds like an idyllic kind of day for babies and dogs and grownups. Missing you all! Love, Gramma Peg
July 28th, 2008 at 6:50 am
Sure makes us miss the northwest! It was 105 in Texas yesterday…
July 28th, 2008 at 9:01 am
yeah, seriously. where is the bikini shot?