Expired Credit

June 16th, 2008 by: joshua

I’ve embarked on an art installation project intended for education and enlightenment. My first work in this series, “Expired Credit”, opened on April 19th. Critics were struck dumb, opening and closing their mouths without sound and feebly pawing the air.

[flash /images/0806/expired_credit.flv w=400 h=300 f={autostart=false}]

Artist Statement: Here the credit cards are dangling just out of reach. A tribute to the tantalizing nature of consumer culture. From the lofty Fordian goal of paying workers enough to afford the products of their own labor to the Keynesian ideal world economy driven by consumers consuming products they will never need and services they’d be better off without. Soaking up the surplus capital, and exploiting resources to extinction. The cards circle endlessly like debt-ridden martyrs borrowing against their own uncertain futures.

4 Comments on “Expired Credit”

  1. Keely says:

    ohhhhhhhhhh that is sooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  2. Sereia says:

    WAY bitchin.

  3. Peg Bowden says:

    So what is the catchy little tune playing while the credit cards dangle and dance?—Peg

  4. joshua says:

    Morphine – A good woman is hard to find.

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Cheyenne Weil, Joshua Coxwell