Baby Quilt
December 3rd, 2007 by: cheyenne
I finished my baby quilt and it looks pretty damned good I think. I started out with an old robe that has a somewhat Japanesey print thinking I would just supplement with a few other patterns. I ordered a few pieces of material from a cool site in Japan that has all these neat kimono fabrics and then decided that my robe didn’t really match after all. Another time. The shiny greenish fabric border is Vietnamese silk, the edging and back are navy-colored flannel, dimensions are 42×52 inches.

[Just some close-ups so you can see the fabric patterns better.]
I started out also with a “simple†sketch of randomly sized blocks that I thought would make things easy and give me a wide margin of error. But somehow it ended up involving all sorts of math and precise measurements and a LOT of little rectangles. Here is the original sketch and subsequent notation as I progressed.

December 3rd, 2007 at 12:16 pm
Your quilt looks so much like the Alabama quilts in Gee Bend that the descendents of slaves made out of work clothes, bib overalls, and scraps of old sheets. The quilts are incredible abstract designs—much like yours. I saw an exhibit of these quilts at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art awhile back. Your baby will be surrounded by great aesthetics. —love, Mom/Peg
December 5th, 2007 at 11:26 am
Now you just need a matching set of shoes:
Beautiful quilt.
December 5th, 2007 at 8:00 pm
I agree. The quilt is beautiful. I am still in awe how creative and artistic you are at every turn. Amazing! By the way, Happy belated birthday! I did remember the date this year but am just late on acting on it. We have something for you but it is difficult to mail. We plan to hand deliver. :)
Love, Mom Cher
March 6th, 2008 at 6:23 pm
[…] few months before Ronin was born, I got bit with the crafty bug. You probably saw the baby quilt I made but it didn’t end there. Using bits of left-over quilt fabric in addition to other pieces […]