Fruit of the Looms (I mean Sea)
December 9th, 2006 by: joshua
Trying to show off our fishing prowess, but we actually only caught 5 fish in Costa Rica. 4 dorado and one big eyed jack. All were tasty and it at least made the $24 fishing license worth while. When we asked around in El Coco for the INCOPESCA office to get a license everyone laughed at us and said we didn’t need no permiso de pesca. We tracked them down and bought one anyway because they weren’t too expensive and we hope they use the money to perserve their fisheries.
December 10th, 2006 at 10:43 pm
Wow! And to think the only fish that I’ve ever caught was in Rockport and it was only as long as my hand! I was thrilled and can’t begin to comprehend making a catch like yours. How long does it take to eat such a fish? Thinking about you . . . a lot during this holiday season.
love, mom cher
January 9th, 2007 at 10:25 am
Actually I forgot about the big sierra we caught with my Dad. There were also numerous skipjacks and jack grevals that we always throw back. This one was big and probably could have fed 15 people. We ate it breakfast lunch and dinner for 2 days then had to throw some out because we didn’t have ice and there wasn’t anyone around to share it with. Too bad.