Puerto Vallarta

March 9th, 2006 by: cheyenne

We took the bus to Puerto Vallarta for the day to just see what it was all about. It’s about mayhem, pretty much. We were so impressed with the city that we came home with about ten photographs. **Note that “Time Share” is now called “Point System.”

Bronze Statue on the Malacon, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Along the PV malecon, there are a lot of cool bronze statues. Amongst the wistful mermaids and seahorse-boys is a cluster of five different alien-sea-creature-many-footed/tentacled-chair-things; they were totally awesome and this is one of them.

Metal Shop, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Metal shops RULE!


This obviously reminded me of that old Far Side cartoon.

One Comment on “Puerto Vallarta”

  1. Michelle Redstone says:

    I’ve got to get this picture to my mom. She still writes “cat fud” on her grocery list in that fashion. Very funny. What was the actual fud product?

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Cheyenne Weil, Joshua Coxwell