Archive for the 'Belize' Category

Dangriga Signage

Sunday, June 11th, 2006

Hand Painted Sign. Ruthie's Cabanas Southern Foreshore. Dangriga Town, Belize

We really really like this town. There’s not a whole lot to do here really, except drink and lie around in the sweltering humidity producing giant sweat bullets. We managed this and also we met a couple of Canadians on the boat over from Honduras (Life and Francis) who lived there part time running a kayak tour company. They introduced us to Jack who is building a proa out of a dugout canoe with the intent of sailing to the Pacific via Lago Nicaragua and then up the coast to the north Sea of Cortez. So we had instant friends and drinking buddies upon arrival. Fun for us!

Another thing we liked about this town is the insane friendliness of almost every single inhabitant. Ruthie, who ran the guesthouse where we stayed called us “babies,” as in, “okay babies, you just let me know if you need anything;” almost everyone we passed in the street said the equivalent of “hey man, how’s it going.” And the signage. Nearly all of it is hand painted with often awkward illustrations and anomalous spelling.

Hand Painted Sign. Alberto Paquiul Chemist and druggist liscensed to sell drugs and poisons. Dangriga Town, Belize

Hand Painted Sign. H. Rhys Garment designing estb. Dangriga Town, Belize

I like the “ESTB.” part.

Hand Painted Sign. Bhive $ Lumber and coffin. Dangriga Town, Belize

I believe this place also had rooms for rent. I’m not sure what the dollar sign is all about.

Hand Painted Sign. River Side Hotel No Loafers. Dangriga Town, Belize

We heard that the owner of the hotel added the ‘no loafers’ part because of a good-fer-nothin’ son or some such. There was a ‘no vendors’ sign on the other side with a herb seller set up directly underneath but naturally, I didn’t have the camera with me that day.

Hand Painted Sign. Licensed to sell beer ale & spiritous liquors. Dangriga Town, Belize

All bars had some variation of the ‘spiritous liquors’ sign painted outside.

Hand Painted Sign. Bunnys Blocks. Dangriga Town, Belize

I love this one; look how she illustrated the styles of the blocks she offered. (You can view a larger photo by clicking the image.)

Hand Painted Sign. Condoms Karaoke. Dangriga Town, Belize

Condoms! Karaoke!!

Hand Painted Sign. Dollins Music. Dangriga Town, Belize

The latest in oldies!

Hand Painted Sign. Vals laundry and internet. Dangriga Town, Belize

Val’s offered cheap lodging in addition to internet and laundry. Dorm-style rooms for $7ish apiece I think.

Orange Walk Town

Saturday, May 27th, 2006

From Dangriga we headed up to Orange Walk Town which is near the ruins of Lamanai. It´s a small but important site with some interesting temples. The only problem is that it´s only accessable by boat, so you´re pretty much required to take a guided tour. The boat ride is nice though and we got to see a lot of wildlife.

The launch point for a trip to the Mayan Ruins of Lamanai, Orange Walk Town, Belize

The launching point.

Men paddling a dugout canou with a bicycle on the New River, Belize

Some guys in a dugout with a bicycle.

Fresh Water Crocodile on the New River in route to Lamanai ruins. Belize

Fresh water crocodile.

Collared Aracari (a small toucan)

A small toucan. I think it´s a Collared Aracari, but you birders out there can correct me if I´m wrong. We also saw a Keel-billed Toucan but couldn´t get a good picture.

The Mask Temple at Lamanai Mayan Ruins, Belize

The Mask Temple.

Dangriga Town

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2006

We left the Time Machine at anchor in the Estero de Jaltepeque in order to travel overland to Playa del Carmen for my brother Sage’s wedding. It’s a lot alarming to just leave the boat (we haven’t spent one night off it since we left) but we have a local guy keeping an eye on it and well hopefully it will be just fine. We are mostly south of the hurricanes. “Hurricanes hardly ever happen in El Salvador, and never in May.” Except last year, in May. Sigh.

We crossed El Salvador, made a major detour to a brewpub in the middle of Honduras run by a guy from Oregon. Yes. A brewpub. With homemade beer. Even porter!!


We caught a boat from Puerto Cortez, Honduras across to Dangriga, Belize. We’re pretty stoked to be in Belize (and not just because we discovered the grocery store carries canned butter) and might have to detour back by on our way back from the wedding.

Cloud Forest in Honduras

Cloud forest, near the brewpub.

I’ll fill in the details in a future post when I have a keyboard that isn’t driving me batty with all the sticky keys.

Cheyenne Weil, Joshua Coxwell