April 20th, 2009 by: cheyenne
[At the park. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to get good photos of Ronin as she gets faster and faster.]
Ronin’s latest obsession is the slide at the park. Alberta park has several different slides, from baby-easy to scary spiral straight out of the 80s. Ronin settles for the easier ones but covets the scary slide. She is always making a beeline for the steep ladder and protesting loudly when we deny her. We go down it with her occasionally but it is really unpleasant for larger people to go down. Like tumbling down a narrow spiral staircase until you are dumped out into the bark-a-mulch at the end.
She often makes a little “woo” sound right when she is ready to go down. It’s awfully cute.
Here she is on the fast slide at the school a block away (we have a lot of playgrounds to choose from).
We usually go down the bigger metal slides with her for fear she’ll capsize and bonk her head on the sides. If she’s wearing overalls though, we’ll send her down solo on her back (without overalls, she risks slide-burn, which: oooouch).
[Again! Again!]
So now she’s decided that our yard is sufficiently steep to slide down as well. She sits on her butt at the top, scoots over the edge and (saying “woo”) slides on her butt down to the sidewalk. (She figured this out on her own.) We tried to get her a piece of cardboard to facilitate the slidey part since really, the grass is not terribly slick, but she did not understand what we were getting at and just got pissed off at us for meddling. So, butt slide down the grass it is. Woo!
April 21st, 2009 at 8:37 am
Ha ha. The grass slide was my favorite.
April 22nd, 2009 at 6:55 am
Ronin walks great
Thanks thats winderful
April 22nd, 2009 at 10:25 am
I just watched these and was cracking up the whole time as I just imagined Ronin sending Joshua back to the steps of the slide 100+ times and relating as this parenting stuff requires lots of patience! So so cute. She’s just walking around like a little toddler! Celine took her first steps awhile back but just in the last 3 days has become interested in only getting around on her feet.
Thanks for sharing.
P.S. And is Ronin a blondy?
April 23rd, 2009 at 8:01 am
Ronin sliding down the grassy knoll is just a hoot. Green butt and all. And Joshua going down the slide again and again is a real testament to parent-patience. Do toddlers ever slow down?? Can’t wait to take her walking with the doggies here at the rancho. Love, Gramma Peg