Happy Four Months Little Baby!
May 13th, 2008 by: cheyenne
Some Milestones:
* LAUGHS!!! Oh this is funny stuff. No really.
[flash /images/0805/mmyumyumyum.flv w=400 h=300 f={autostart=false}]
* Reaches and grabs for things in front of her—her toys, my hand, hair, bottle of gin…
* Grasps target objects successfully (not gin) and navigates the treacherous route to the mouth without poking out an eye or skewering a nostril. I rest easier at night now. No, not really.
* Almost screams, sort of. (Boo!) She did this once and surprised herself; I saw the cranks turning in her little monkey brain and they were up to no good. I daresay she’ll be an enthusiastic screamer in no time. Sigh.
* Eyes continue to lighten but more slowly now. They are about the same color as mine at this point.
* Cheeks = Bigger.
* Sucks on her bottom lip. This looks very silly and Joshua fears she’ll end up with a permanently fattened lip from it.

[Ro sucking her bottom lip at the mouth of the Colombia River.]
May 14th, 2008 at 12:34 am
We just checked your website, and saw sweet Ronin.
We are just out from our 8 months in the bush, and on our way back to the boat in Toronto. How we’d love to meet you again. So long.
May 15th, 2008 at 7:39 am
I have to say that I listen to baby Ronin’s giggles and laughter each morning. It sure beats reading the NY Times and shuddering at the state of the world. Thank you for a glimpse of your life with your fetching daughter. She is a hoot. Love, Gramma Peg
May 19th, 2008 at 4:05 am
Alden has the same blue pajama with yellow ducks outfit! As seen in the ‘Ro gets her head eaten by Joshua’ video. Alden loves the outfit and trips out on the high contrast of it, he’ll look at his arms in wonder for minutes at a time.