Fleming’s Bait
Monday, June 25th, 2007
Rockport Harbor
Rockport Harbor
Sunfish races at Rockport Beach every Tuesday at 6PM. These pictures look like they ought to be in a sunfish sales brochure.
We’ve been busy turning Jeff’s yard into a superfund site. Not actually smalt, of course, but probably just as toxic. I met a doctor today who told me that people about to die from copper poisoning have copper rings around their irises. It’s true! I looked it up as soon as we got home. I also looked in a mirror. I should have worn a moon suit.
In other news, I upgraded wordpress to version 2.2. This didn’t require much work really. I backed everything up then clicked the dreamhost one click upgrade tool and ducked. The site was totally wack for about 10 minutes until I could login for a second click that upgraded the database. Everything still works (I think). Yay.
[flash /images/0705/gimmesamoa.flv w=400 h=300 f={autostart=false}]
Aransas Bay, Texas
A video obviously taken from a moving platform. John Williams on Gimme Samoa tries to catch up with us on Wing and a Prayer in route to Ingleside. He’s making 15+ kts.
Well we’re tired of talking about our porta-bote seat and transom woes, but I promised Sandy (the president of porta-bote) that I would follow up when we received the new parts. After much confusion on everyone’s part and far too many emails, porta-bote lived up to its promise to replace our transom and seats under warranty (even though it had officially expired when we reported problems). Thanks porta-bote! We didn’t even have to pay for shipping. The new seats we received appear to be identical to the old ones. However, the transom has reinforcing at the bottom near the center. I’m not sure it’s enough, but I take this as a good sign that porta-bote is exploring ways to reduce the incidents of transom and seat failure.
[Closeup of reinforcing on the new transom]
This is a follow up to older stories:
1.3-Year Porta-Bote and Kayak Review
Follow-up Porta-bote Review and Aftermath
Porta-bote Redux Redux