Coffee and naps
January 10th, 2010 by: cheyenne
[Ronin napping*** with her friends. Clockwise from upper left we have Muddy, Bones, Bunny, Punk Rock Girl, Batbear, Ronin of course, Nigel, and Chess.]
Earlier this evening, Ronin managed to get a hold of an old coffee can that still had some coffee bean crumbs. These she merrily dug out and shoved up her nose as far as she could, an alarming habit she has with things that smell interesting (rosemary, pine needles, and oregano are repeat offenders). We picked out what we could but she spent the entirety of dinner sneezing and digging around up there with her finger. During the soup course she managed to eject one of the bigger chunks and we idly wondered how much of the stuff she managed to actually snort down and ingest. I suppose we got our answer around 7ish when she quite suddenly started literally bouncing off the walls. Her cheeks got all flushed and even though she missed her nap (which means she should have passed out dead around 6:30), she spent the next couple of hours running in circles in her bedroom, climbing onto the furniture and jumping off, ferrying her stuffed animals busily from one part of the house to another, etc. We were mildly alarmed but happy that at least she was in a good mood. We just kept asking her if she wanted to go to bed (to which she’d immediately reply “Nope”) until finally there was hesitation in her reply and Joshua seized the opportunity to put her in her bed. He told her the Billy Goats Gruff story (a favorite; it’s the library’s fault) and she was out after only a few minutes. No more coffee for Ronin.
*** NOT today’s nap.
January 10th, 2010 at 7:12 pm
Awesome…remind me never to leave coffee crumbs around… I already get “nope” at bedtime as it is. I loved the Christmas posting…it looked so special for Ronin and next year will probably be even better. We are approaching “transition from crib to bed” soon at which time I will try and get rid of the binky, but not looking forward to the whole thing really. Ronin looks so precious and growing like a weed. I guess there is no slowing down…urgh.
January 11th, 2010 at 11:49 am
My cat Timmy used to do the same thing when he would lick the foamy milk off the top of my latte, when he was younger. Run around, run around, run around…pass out.