Archive for 2008

One Month and Some Change

Tuesday, February 19th, 2008

[Ronin Rotten]

Lately, Ronin has been intermittently fussy for large blocks of time and whenever she revs up for a few-hour bout of Snit, we run through the standard checklist: Clean diaper? (Check.) Fed? (Check.) In pain? (No.) Fed some more? (Check.) Bug up her butt? (QUITE POSSIBLY.) After an hour or two of this, both boobs are usually fully drained yet she still desperately roots around, bobbing her head against my chest like a woodpecker and tearing into her own fist with those fearsome gums of hers. At last I’ll put her back on the boob and she’ll typically sit there not being productive and falling asleep. It can be rather annoying. I mean, KID I HAVE BETTER THINGS TO DO! Like, uh, surf the web and stuff. The baby book we have says that unusual fussiness (of course, is this unusual or usual for a baby?) may be a sign of a “developmental milestone.” Can her sudden increase in lung capacity and yelling volume level be considered a milestone?

[“Tummy Time,” which happens about three seconds before “Meltdown.”]

We finally ran into one of our apartment neighbors the other afternoon; Zack was very surprised to see a baby. “I didn’t know you had a … baby!” his eyes popped out of his head. Joshua explained that we hadn’t had her for very long actually, she was only four weeks old. Of course, Zack didn’t know about her because he lives on the opposite side of the building from our apartment. We have yet to meet any of the folks from our side; the shock might just make their ears pop off their heads. Then our recent little developmental milestone wouldn’t be a problem.

[Ronin succumbs to the power of the Moby. Awesome hat by Vida!]

[Ronin packed in the car seat and ready for action.]


Those soft-lighted, fuzzy images you all see in magazines of the breastfeeding couple, mother and child, bliss and contentment, are somewhat exaggerated. Or at least heavily Photoshopped. Breastfeeding is a lot more, shall we say “dynamic” in my experience, limited though it may be. Typically it all starts with a starving-to-death baby who fears for her very survival and wants to be sure the neighborhood is aware of her trauma WAH WAH WAH!!! By the time I get my shirt taken apart, she is fully pissed off and flailing wildly. She of course shuts up once the boob is latched but the look in her eye and sound of her fierce breathing assures you that she is Still. So. Furious. Of course, in her haste, she manages to swallow the entire roomful of air, and the sound of the air bouncing back and forth from her toes to her gulping throat gives me the willies. Therefore, we burp. Naturally, she flips her shit at being taken off the boob prematurely even though she is clearly about to choke, and dare I say that burping Ronin every 30 seconds is seriously cramping my cosmopolitan on-the-go sort of lifestyle here (cough, ahem). And when that burp finally does come out, it is a startling thing. Such a large burp for such a small being. In the end, both of us are covered in breastmilk, at least two burpcloths are soaked through with either milk or spit-up (another reason for the frequent burping–the dreaded spit-up), I’m in desperate need of a double martini with a jar of olives on the side, and she’s exhausted herself enough to pass out for a short rejuvenating nap (on happier occasions).

[Another gratuitous cute baby picture; we have a number of these actually.]

In other breastfeeding news, I am proud to say that despite the drama surrounding the event, I managed to feed Ronin in public for the first time the other day (well, outside in a park, standing, in the rain, in the Moby wrap). Joshua talked me into trying it, oh, and I suppose the desperately fussing and struggling baby strapped to my chest was similarly convincing. I wouldn’t necessarily say this qualifies me for Moby Ninja status, but it’s a fine start.

[I have a lot of work to do on my stealthy ninja gaze.]


Monday, February 18th, 2008

voodoo doughnuts portrait of a bacon maple bar and a blood filled voodoo donut

“Monday morning and there’s one less donut than there should be.”

We continued to maintain the first lines page whenever we come across new gems. However, I thought it would be good to make a category and post them to the main blog since we don’t really have a way to notify readers when pages get updated. This one from Max Barry’s new novel Company.

Having worked for a defense contractor I know what it’s like to work somewhere and have no idea what the products really are. Jones (the protagonist) finds himself in a similar situation. He accepts a job offer straight out of school without questioning a mission statement which reads like some dot com mumbo jumbo that means exactly nothing. Ignoring the advice of his apathetic coworkers he seeks out the CEO. Chaos ensues. Like all his books, the plot progresses in crescendos of absurdity exposing marketing and capitalism run amok.

Honestly, I didn’t like it as much as Syrup or Jennifer Government but it could just be that I’m no longer dazzled by his style. I’ve also read enough to recognize repeated character archetypes and gather some insight into the authors personality, or at least his taste in women. It’s a great read though and I laughed every time the plot touched back on the donut. If you’ve already read Max Barry you don’t need me to recommend him. Otherwise, I suggest starting with Syrup unless you’re currently living the bowels of your own personal corporate hell, in which case Company may resonate more strongly.

Crown Point

Friday, February 15th, 2008

Crown Point, Columbia Gorge, Oregon

My mom actually called me today to complain about the lack a pictures. Sorry, it’s been a whole week. Here’s one from this morning. Michelle is visiting so we drove up the gorge to see the waterfalls. The weathers pretty nice and it’s good to get outdoors.

It’s all Ronin all the time around here. I know that there are certain readers who can’t get enough of her, but for the rest I’ve been thinking about exercising our time machine to add a little variety. Cheyenne’s working on some things as well, but you know how it goes. An infant makes it a little hard to stay focused.

Ronin and Riley

Thursday, February 7th, 2008

They took an immediate liking to each other.

January Babies Galore

Wednesday, February 6th, 2008

Seemingly everyone we know is suddenly having babies. Four already this year and we’re still waiting for one from Rachel and Tito. Strangely I suddenly find baby pictures interesting. I always thought parents greatly exaggerated the difference between one baby and another. Now I see how different they are.

Silas Joseph Murphy

Silas Joseph Murphy, Jan 4th

Ronin Coxwell

Ronin Coxwell, Jan 13th

Alden Michael Gilg

Alden Michael Gilg, Jan 18th

Celine Nicole Munoz

Celine Nicole Munoz, Jan 18th

Cheyenne Weil, Joshua Coxwell