Archive for 2008


Friday, June 13th, 2008

Well, it’s been awhile since anything of substance has been posted and there are a few reasons why. One, my father visited and so we were awash in visiting activities. Two, Joshua checked out season II of “Six Feet Under” from the library and I have to say, our evenings are obsessively full these days.

Cliffhangers are really harsh on those who are not used to television and its trickery. Every night we watch one or two (two usually—the only reason we watched only one once is because there was a car accident right in front of our apartment and we had to pause and watch that instead) and have to force ourselves to go to bed. Because OH MY GOD! What is UP with Keith and David? Will Nate ever tell Brenda he has a freaky rare brain disease and may drop dead at any second? Is there anyone on this show that is not totally fucked up in a major way? Also, how can we get the next season PROMPTLY??

In other news, we have a baby and stuff.

Oh I’m kidding—she keeps on with the changing daily thing and there’s a lot to say that probably would put anyone but the grandparents to sleep. Her sleeping habits have gone back to mostly normal aside from the fact that she (cough, and Joshua) now gets up at 6am instead of 7am [Edited to add: Did I say 6?? Try FIVE FREAKING O’CLOCK OHMYGODSLEEPSOMEMOREWILLYOU???]. We can also finally read stories to her and she seems actually interested in the book/paper/colors/ceiling fan long enough that we can usually finish a short cardboard book before she starts squirming. Before about three weeks ago, she would not tolerate You. Sitting. Period. Standing was acceptable sometimes and bouncing/rocking/moving/pacing/dancing was fine but the moment you sat down while holding her, even if she was in a deep sleep, she would start to spasm and fuss and scream. It’s pretty damned marvelous that she’ll let us relax a bit these days. We still have to limit our down time but it’s a start. Also, the “eh-eh-ehs” have been replaced by a frustrated/exasperated cough sound. She used to only do it when she was pissed and gearing up for some serious baby voltage but now she seems to have decided that coughing is fun and does it whenever she is bored or of course frustrated at anything. Or maybe she has contracted some awful coughing disease (and we are terrible parents). We are still only 90% sure that she is only play-coughing (for example, she never does it when she is occupied or engaged in anything else, only when she is bored or pissed).

Oh and also? It is mid June and finally we have had a day without gray dreary rain.


Monday, June 9th, 2008

Taken a couple of months ago, but the dogwoods are still blooming.


Saturday, June 7th, 2008

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Strange Flowers Mountain Laurel

Friday, June 6th, 2008

Does anyone know what these are? Thanks Ilana!

Grandpa Lester

Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

Cheyenne Weil, Joshua Coxwell