Photo roundup, featuring: The Big Cheeks
March 13th, 2008 by: cheyenne
[Babies who sport Federico Garcia Lorca onesies don’t need no stinkin’ necks.]
We bought Ronin some toys: one set of stuffed dice with those Scientifically Proven Baby Brain Stimulating patterns and one supercool Buckminster Fuller-esque wooden ball thing. She has reached the awesome stage where we can confuse and distract her by waving things in her face when she begins frothing up for a meltdown. And the verdict on the toys: she appears to *love* them. I can hardly believe it really. The Buckminster Fuller-ball has these wooden beads that slide around as you turn the ball so it makes a nice chimey sound, plus it is brightly colored, and just a few shakes to get her attention and she will happily watch the ball for a long time. And the stuffed dice—we just got them in the mail and hung them over her bouncy chair and she is seriously entertained by them for, well, a half-hour at least at a time (but this is GOOD). She stares at them and makes cooing noises and kicks her feet and flails her arms (happy kicks and flails) and it’s insane. Sometimes she gets really worked up wiggling and panting with her eyes so wide open that it’s almost worrisome—as if her brain is about to explode. I guess those baby brain scientists weren’t kidding around.

[She likes to see what’s going on when we go on walks these days so we face her outward; have to keep an eye on that bobbley head though. DANGER WILL ROBINSON!]

[For those of you concerned that we didn’t ever dress her in pink.]
She also likes music—I guess most babies do but we hardly listened to any when I was pregnant; I suppose I thought she’d be indifferent. (After being on the boat with power always at a premium, we rarely “splurged†and listened to the radio; we simply got out of the habit of having it in the background.) As for singing to her, I really don’t know any lullabies as such so I end up singing whatever comes to mind when the need arises. Lately this has been “Who by Fire†by Leonard Cohen and “Bela Lugosi’s Dead†by Bauhaus, and I totally screw up the lyrics. A bit macabre I suppose but it keeps her mellow when the diaper needs to be changed.

March 13th, 2008 at 11:04 pm
I am proud of you two. Ronin is so beautiful. I feel like I know her already. Great words and pictures. Keep up the good work. Happy Birthday Joshua! Best Regards and Many Smiles,
March 14th, 2008 at 12:07 pm
Oh man, I can soooo relate to the singing stage fright. I never know what to sing to Alden either and when I do think of a song, I usually forget the lyrics mid way and have to make stuff up. “Like he’ll know the difference anyway”, I mutter to myself when my left brain protests. This morning, it was Kraftwerk’s “Autobahn”. No real lyrics to mess up there!
Ronin is looking so cute these days. And those cheeks! Stunning!! I wish we lived closer so we could meet her in person. Alden is quite taken with her. At least he stares into the screen when your blog is up.
Best wishes,
March 14th, 2008 at 6:08 pm
Screw ‘Autobahn’, “Europe Endless” by Kraftwerk is far superior. Played, not sung. I swear he actually stops and listens to it.
March 17th, 2008 at 7:28 am
Ronin looks very “60’s” and psychedelic in that pink flowery number. And the moccasins are just the right accessory. I think Ronin is hoarding things in those baby cheeks of hers. Getting ready for next winter like a little chipmunk. You both look fabulous. You too, Joshua. –Gramma Peg