Panama City
January 6th, 2007 by: joshua
We had planned to bypass Isla Cantadora because it is the main resort island in Las Perlas and we generally avoid such places. However, as we sailed up on it Cheyenne was overcome by an obsession with ice cream bars. We could see buildings and hotels so surely ice cream could be had.
Sure enough we found ice cream (as well as vegetables and cold beer). We liked the town too but were ready for the city, so we hauled anchor in the morning and headed for Panama. We motor sailed most of the way which was kind of a disappointment after all the wind we’ve been having. We’d been working northwest through Las Perlas so we could enjoy a fast off-the-wind sail into the city. It never works out as planned, of course, and we had light winds WSW on the nose again.
Coming in the through all the ships was exciting and we’ve seen more humans and human activity in the last few hours than in the previous 4 weeks. We’re now anchored off Isla Flamenco with about 30 other sailboats being serenaded by the karaoke bars on the causeway.
January 7th, 2007 at 6:09 pm
great pict.
looks like low tide in the pict, i know there is a
substantial tide range.
your at the crossroad panama canal
January 10th, 2007 at 2:56 pm
Looking Good!!!! Dont forget to call my old class/schoo;/fraternity /wedsding member/friend
Tony Stanziola (Antonio Emiliano Stanziola) in Pnama City.
You guys are really having a great trip.